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The Project

ESB International won a contract to enter into a joint venture (JV) agreement with Unit Group, to establish the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) company UNES, to operate and maintain the highly efficient and clean burning IPP, 865 MW CCGT, Yeni Elektrik Power Plant, in Turkey. 


Photograph of electricity wires and pylons against a sunset

Our Approach

  • The Challenge

    To establish an O&M company to operate and maintain this strategically important energy infrastructure project in Turkey.

  • The Solution

    Creation of a JV company capable of performing the power plant O&M function, developing local management capacity to take over operation of the plant.

The Results

Icon of a globe with a circle containing a check mark

  • Successful mobilisation and establishment of the O&M company. 
  • Knowledge transfer process culminating in local staff, fully running the plant. 
  • Contract management including engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) warranty and long-term service agreement (LTSA). 
  • Ongoing remote technical and engineering support when required. 
  • Utilisation of ‘F’ class CCGT technology, 2x AE 94.3A.

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Contact Us

Dublin Office

ESB International,
One Dublin Airport Central,
Dublin Airport Cloghran,
Co Dublin,
Phone +353 1 703 8000 +353 1 703 8000

Bahrain Office

ESB International Office 1002,
Building 655 Road 3614,
Block 436,
Seef Area,
Phone +973 1770 8118 +973 1770 8118

Oman Office

ESB International Office 206,
2nd Floor, Holiday Inn Al,
Mazoon Street South Al,
Mawaleh, Muscat P.O. Box,
P.C 118 Sultanate of Oman
Phone +973 1770 8118 +973 1770 8118