The Project
The Kulim Hi-Tech Park (KHTP) is the first high technology industrial park in Malaysia. The park is hugely successful and has experienced exponential growth. Due to the increasing customer-led demand, transmission and distribution expansion was necessary.

Our Approach
The Challenge
Develop a cost effective and technically suitable solution for the expansion of the Kulim Hitech Park transmission infrastructure to cater for existing and future customer requirements.
The Solution
ESB International undertook network studies to produce an optimal expansion plan. This plan covered required capital investment, future customer requirements and operational capabilities. A new 132/33/11 kV substation suitable to cater for current and future customer demand with enhanced operability of the entire Kulim network.
What we delivered
A power system simulator (PPETM) modelled the Kulim network. We developed an optimal solution to cater to the current and expected load, delivering maximum operational flexibility and cost-effectiveness.
ESB International undertook the tendering and Owners Engineer role for the expansion project.
The Results
- Transmission and Distribution network was optimised for current and future load growth.
- Network losses optimised.
- Network operational capability optimised.
- Flexible and cost-effective solution.
- The substation was commissioned successfully in 2017.
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