The Project
The Authority of Electricity Regulation (AER) instigated the Advanced Meter Reading (AMR) Initiative with the Electricity Holding Company SAOC (EHC) and five electricity companies. ESB International was appointed as a consultant to provide technical support to the Authority throughout the project lifecycle.

Our Approach
The Challenge
Reduce non-technical losses, improve billing, and examine customer response to time-of-use tariffs and provide detailed usage information.
The Solution
A smart metering customer behaviour trial consisting of 6,500 customers and a metering technology trial involving the deployment of an additional 4,000 customer meters. The trials defined the business objectives, metering functionality, meter management system and telecommunications infrastructure required.
What we delivered
Advised the client on technical solutions and architectures for the AMR system.
We completed technical evaluations of AMR implementations proposed by the electricity companies.
The Results
- Ascertained the cost of electricity delivered to the client’s transmission system.
- Deployment of an additional 4,000 customer meters.
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